Hello everyone – Since last year there has been info on FW website mentioning the free support and version updates for 1 year as part of pricing. This info is not new, it has also been contained within the FW package license since FW 2.2.
So far, everyone had free access to the latest versions of FW – this will change with the next release though. For those purchasing FW 2.2 or later (released Oct 2014), the 1 year period was over few months ago. We’ve still left offset of few months to cover for those first few months where that info might not have been apparent on the website even it was always contained inside the license.
That being said, all customers purchasing between end of Oct 2014 and end of March 2015 will need to re-purchase FW license to get access to new updates and high priority e-mail support.
All customers purchasing before Oct 2014(including), will get an additional extra year of free updates, but we won’t be able to support those customers after that period unless they re-purchase their licenses. There is no 1 year limit in the pre Oct-2014 licenses, but also no promised free updates.
We will be still supporting everyone with product-wide bugs of course, regardless if you re-purchase your license or not, as working product is in the best interest of everybody. You’ll still be able to use older FW versions without repurchasing new licenses, at your own risk however.
The info about how to login to the new update system will be emailed to all customers once the system is ready.