The “universal” FlashyWrappers iOS builds containing both armv7 and arm64 are available as of now. The ANE was successfully compiled with AIR 16 and tested on iOS using exampleBasic and exampleCamera. In both the free & full package, the new ANE is called “FWEncoderANE_64.ane”.
As you surely know, Apple will only accept apps built in this way, which means you’ll need to use AIR 16. And AIR 16 can only work with universally built ANE’s.
For the current customers, this ANE is also available for download separately (without the watermark of course :). There are also some code changes in general from the previous version, so make sure to test your app before submitting new versions to Appstore.
All the current customers will be e-mailed until end of this week with the 64-bit universal ANE download link. If you need the file really fast, just use the contact form to ask for it.
In other news, openh264 is working just fine, just need to get everything together for the new release. OGVPlayer still needs some work, so I’m looking at whenever to release early without OGVPlayer or later with OGVPlayer included. In general OGVPlayer and the Android acceleration are the tasks needing most of the time at the moment.