Managed to fix the bug I was talking about yesterday. Long story short, we are sometimes our worst enemies – and this bug was entirely of my own making(as most bugs are). I had to analyze OpenGL pipeline on iOS and compare several cases to finally spot the obvious thing (and before that I had to comment out lines from Starling source for hours to isolate the problematic command in AS3 :). I was passing the wrong argument to OpenGL function. This caused the ANE working only under certain conditions, but not working under other conditions. As soon as texture has been uploaded before init, it would break the “needed” conditions. Internally, the texture ID had to equal FBO ID, because I was using one instead of another.
Anyway, this fixes the seemingly random “black screen” issue! So we’re back in “release mode” with Hunger Hero Starling demo and the next FW. No more examples / features will make it into the next release.
The last part for me was to implement the recording only after a level is started (and end after level is lost / hero dies). If this works (and after this fix, it should, because it won’t matter when “init” is called anymore) – I’ll start preparing the new release package, with the new Hungry Hero sample included.
I’m sorry this release is taking longer than expected(and sorry to everyone waiting for some kind of demo / help we discussed over e-mail) but I really needed to nail down these big iOS issues. As a result 3 major issues killed on iOS (this upload texture interference, earlier vertex buffer upload interference, problems with audio sync / timing). I won’t get everything in that I wanted(killing the video post-processing will be more tricky than I thought for example), but gaining stability is #1 goal for this release. Everything else can be only improved from then on 🙂